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"We believe that in nature and community - we are found."

In 2016 our family set an intention on finding a way to give back more. As we leaned in to how we might do that, we felt called to buy a piece of land that we could share with the community.

We purchased this farm in 2017, and step by step we've been building.

We grow plants for wellness. We're a place where people can gather and learn how to grow their own food. We have a Shoppe where locals can come to find homemade goods, holistic plant based remedies, and lots of cool items.  We have adult beverages, a coffee bar, ice cream, and lots of goodies to enjoy. We're continuing to cultivate beautiful spaces for gathering and connecting with nature, and all of her beauty. 

We believe that everything we need has been given to us in the earth.

We believe that in nature and community - we are found.

We believe that life about growing.

And we're on a journey of discovering those lessons along the way.

We're grateful that you've found us! And we know that at Haven - YOU will be found too.

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